Jesse Lexson

Jesse Lexson is co-founder and Chief Financial Officer at Acts of Service, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering hospitality professionals in San Francisco.

Jesse is a hospitality brat through and through. He was conflicted in determining his future, while in college, till he found the hospitality industry. He graduated with a degree in Hospitality Management and hasn’t looked back. Based on the comments of one professor, Jesse had no idea how hospitality would be engrained in his life. When you are young and presented with the
statement “If you want to be the best, you have to work with the best, and for hospitality, there is no greater proving ground than Las Vegas”. So that is just what he did.

No one could have told, “the Jesse right out of college” that this industry was forever going to shape his life. From being told that one small act, during a training class he was leading, saved someone's life, to finding the love of his life and building a family. This passion for being in the hospitality industry burns brightly and his desire to help ignite the flame in others is a driving

With over 20 years in the industry, and experiencing all areas of the hospitality industry, from the Heart of the House and the Front Lines to Corporate oversight roles, Jesse has been a part of it all. At the beginning of his journey, Jesse had no idea the level of connection he would make while crossing the paths of guests, team members, colleagues, and even competitors. Along the
way, Jesse has had the great honor of having a hand full of amazing mentors that were more than leaders, but genuine friends. His journey is nowhere near the end, and he is so proud to support a new generation of hospitality professionals and be a mentor to others.

Jesse doesn’t know what the next 20 years will bring, but he is certain that the hospitality industry is a true “forever industry”, and he is proud to be a part of it. One thing that always resonates with Jesse is that we live in a small world, and the world of hospitality is even smaller, and you never know when you are going to run into someone who you have a connection with.